jueves, 18 de agosto de 2016

Simple Present.

Simple Present o presente simple nos ayuda para describir nuestra rutina diaria o actividades que hacemos con una gran frecuencia en nuestra vida diaria.

Por ejemplo:

Hello today i´ll introduce you my family. my family is happy, because my sister Roxanne in her daily routine works everyday in Reforma, my brothers daniel and leonardo play videogames in their X-box, my name is katherine i study at the university everyday, my mother visit our grandmother everyday and take care of my grandmother , and my father and mother prepare the food everyday when they arrive home, finally all the family sleep at 10:00 pm.

En el ejemplo de arriba vemos que katherine nos describe a su familia explicandonos cuales son las actividades diarias que hace cada miembro de su familia.

Affirmative form.

Leonardo and daniel play videogames.

Roxanne works in Reforma.

My father and my mother prepare the food.

I study at the university.

My mother visits my grandmother.

Para la forma Interrogativa y Negativa de las preguntas y negaciones en presente necesitamos de 2 auxiliares cada uno especializado en diferentes Personal Pronouns.

Cuando hablamos de los Personal Pronouns  ( HE/ SHE / IT )

Es necesario  utilizar el Auxiliar   DOES.

Interrogative form.

Does Roxanne work in Reforma?

Does my mother visit my grandmother everyday?

Negative forma.

Roxanee doesn´t work in reforma.

My mother doesn´t visit my grandmother everyday.

Cuando utilizamos los personal pronouns ( I / YOU / WE / THEY )

Es necesario utilizar el auxiliar DO

Interrogative form.

Do i study at the university?

Do leonardo and daniel play videogames?

Do my father and mother prepare the food?

Negative form.

I don´t study at the university.

Leonardo and daniel dont´t play videogames

My father and my mother don´t prepare the food.

Sigue este VINCULO para aprender mas sobre el presente simple.


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